Easy and simple to use! With Windows Boot Genius, I easily get the boot file missing issue solved. Thanks a lot!

Easy way to fix black screen! When I pushed the "Push" button, a plain back screen appeared upon login. A friend of mine recommended me to use Windows Boot Genius, it worked really well.

Haha, I am so happy. Several minutes ago, my computer flashed blue screen. Now it runs as normal after I used your product. Thanks a lot.

Thank you for your help. Your product is so intelligent! When my PC kept rebooting, it scared me. Now my PC runs well. Thanks again!

I love it! This program is so helpful. I am not afraid of the black screen of death any longer. Thank you!

Thank you very much! Your software worked perfectly and the computer is now repaired and works normal. I was sceptical of the program when I bought it but I sure do love it now! Thank you again!

Windows Boot Genius worked fine, saved me a lot of time and hassle. It is much cheaper than to reinstall the operating system.

This program worked like a charm. Now I can get into my personal computer again! Thank you very much!

SUCCESS! I was not able to open Windows due to blue screen of death. With the help of Windows Boot Genius, I can access computer now. Thank you! Sincerely!

Windows Boot Genius worked great! It helped me get all my precious data back. To my surprise! It also recover Microsoft product key.

Perfect! Windows Boot Genius repaired my corrupted computer. Also thanks to Maggiena. Thank you for your help and quick responses!

Hi, I am very pleased with the work that was performed on my computer. You did a very good job. Thank you and the staff for your time and experience!

Awesome, when I click recover, everything has been fixed and I have repaired almost all errors. Awesome program! I will recommend your software to anyone I know!